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[re] [English] The brothers Grimm , the skeleton key , four brothers , 활 弓 the bow

I've seen that movies lately.
The last one is Korean movie.

Let's remark about that.

The brothers Grimm
> brilliant!! (score : 75/100)

the skeleton key
> interesting (69/100)

four brothers
> I need subtitle -_-; (55/100)

활 弓 the bow
> excellent!!!!!!!!!! (88/100)

Rainbow cinema is great.
Cheap -_-! cheap cheap!!!
before 6:00 pm,
the price is always $4,25
and tuesday is cheap movie night! '-')a
I can't understand at all~ ('o`)
Give me subtitle, please~ ('-`)
Show me Korean film, It's really interesting, I promise~ ('v`)
I wanna make my own movie ( ;o;)

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